The Social Institute
At Grandview, we understand the importance of developing high character, student agency, and digital citizenship. We recognize that although our personal interactions are of the utmost importance, social media is a powerful influence on a student’s development. In conjunction with our community emphasis on character and wellbeing, Grandview has invested in an exclusive and groundbreaking partnership with The Social Institute to ensure we are teaching and empowering students how to use social media in a positive way.
The curriculum developed for Middle and Upper School students, developed through the Lead From Here framework, features age-appropriate topics and real life social media challenges and dilemmas, which they discuss with peers in small group workshops. Our comprehensive, integrated approach engages not only students but faculty/staff and parents too. Regular faculty boot camps equip faculty with the knowledge to reinforce social media lessons in the classroom and lead their own lessons during advisory periods. Presentations to parents provide growth-minded strategies on how they can help their children navigate social media in a positive way.
Beyond the Institute
In addition to the Social Institute, character education is embedded in all aspects of the Grandview experience. From our youngest students to our oldest students, all partake in numerous signature learning events that are tailored to develop high character and a positive sense of self.