Welcome to Grandview
Future Grandview families,
I am often asked what sets Grandview apart from other schools, and my answer usually centers on the fact that a Grandview education truly is a personal endeavor. Education in the modern world requires attention to the individual learner. In an increasingly impersonal era, it is uncommon to stand face to face, to talk one on one, and to listen heart to heart. At Grandview, the size of our school and the personal relationships among students, faculty, and families guarantee that no one is lost in a crowd.
Grandview students develop strong leadership skills because leadership grows from confidence. Confidence grows from practice. Practice begins with participation. Our students participate in all aspects of school life, taking intellectual risks, challenging themselves in an effort to grow.
In the best sense, we take everything personally. We live outside institutional limitations because we are creative thinkers defined by passion. Our success is not marked by quantity but by quality. We truly see one another and believe that together, we will build our future.
We can't wait to meet you and welcome you to our Grandview family!
Carpe Diem,
Jacqueline R. Westerfield, Head of School
Head of School Article: 2022 Candle Lighting Address
Head of School Article: The Grandview Mission: It's All About YOU!
Head of School Article: Where We Are with What We Have
Head of School Article: 2021 Candle Lighting Address
Head of School Article: A Cycle of Rethinking: The Essential Components of Learning
Head of School Article: Nature's Way- The Case for Tending to Our Own Garden
Head of School Article: What Resilience Looks Like During a Pandemic - The Daily Quest for Purpose & Joy